Category Archives: Partners

Ten Inexpensive Date Ideas

So many activities have gotten so expensive that it can put a crimp in dating plans. This is especially true if you have children and have to work out babysitting when you go on a date. But there are places you can go, and activities you can participate in, that will make for fun but… Continue Reading

4 Tips for Building a Marriage that Lasts

Marriage is hard. Growing up, many of us have this idea that finding someone to marry is the hard part. We watch movies and read books that seem to indicate that once you get through the difficulties of finding your life partner, the rest is easy. This just isn’t the case. Marriage is hard, and… Continue Reading

9 Truths about Marriages that Work

If you are married, you know how difficult the process can be. A successful marriage really is a process and a journey. It’s not something that just happens. If you are looking to enjoy a successful marriage, it is important to realize some truths. Here are 9 truths about marriages that work: 1. Trust is… Continue Reading

6 Family Relationship Rules You Can Break

We hear a lot about the “rules” of relationships – especially when it comes to marriage and family. If you are married, think back to the advice you got on the day of your nuptials. Chances are you got advice like “don’t go to bed angry” and “don’t let your kids see you fight.” There… Continue Reading