Category Archives: Technology

Has Technology Made the Need for Handwriting Obsolete?

I have terrible handwriting. Even though I completed school at a time when handwriting was something we were graded on, I still struggle. When I do write something by hand, it’s a scrawl somewhere between cursive and print — and if I don’t concentrate, it’s mostly illegible. Of course, computers started coming into their own… Continue Reading

How Technology Has Improved My Life

A lot of the time, when we think of technology, we think about the entertainment aspect. We think of how our smart phones and other gadgets allow us to play games and watch movies no matter where we are. However, technology has done more than just provide more distractions. My life would be very different… Continue Reading

How to Use Evernote to Organize Your Life

Many of us wish that we were more organized. With so much going on in life, from appointments to kids’ activities to grocery shopping, it can be hard to stay on top of things. This is where technology can be your friend. With the right technology tools, you can keep track of everything in your… Continue Reading

Better Email Efficiency with Apps

Because email is an increasingly important mode of communication, you can’t just ignore it…no matter how overwhelming your inbox gets. On top of that, there’s a lot to consider with email. Important emails might need to be saved, but you don’t want to clutter up your inbox. You might also need to know whether or not… Continue Reading